(urth) Wind god

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 5 14:28:21 PDT 2010

>Ryan Dunn- Just wanted to be clear on the original intent of my post before I got dragged 
into any GUT mud-slinging
Heh, yep, no blame for GUTS or monkeys should be direct to you Ryan. I insist that all such 
hurled simian poop should be thrown my way.
I'm not sure what James is referring to with the "red monkey" thing. There is the uakari monkey
http://www.primates.com/monkeys/images/uakari.jpg mentioned in BotNS which could be said to
resemble Father Inire or vice versa. Borski gets credit for noticing long before I did. 
For me there was a recent nice serendipity in my research on possible origins of Father Inire's 
name. The verb is associated with an epithet of the god Faunus, called Inuus. This guy was known 
for his perverse lechery and that was interesting enough but then I found Inuus was also an archaic
genus name for a certain group of monkeys.
So I saw a loose connection. This has been somewhat tightened recently by some references I found
in RttW which further connect Sun series gods with monkeys and Roman epithets. Could be all 
coincidence but the connections are piling up and the absence of other explanations for these 
references are staring to make me take it more seriously as a deliberate intention of Wolfe.
I don't like being cryptic so I'll try to get a new thread started on this as soon as I can, 
for those who are interested.

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