(urth) Corundum of the Claw

Mr Thalassocrat thalassocrat08 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 24 07:04:39 PDT 2010

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 9:35 PM, David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net>wrote:

> There's a bit in John that says (I paraphrase): Jesus does not come to put
> the world on trial or to condemn it, but to rescue it.
> Severian comes to carry out a death sentence.
> Yes. By flooding. My memory of Genesis is pretty hazy, but isn't there a
bit in it where God says he won't do that again?

Anyway, I read BOTNS/UOTNS as containing zero evidence that Sev is acting
for God, and only comprehensible as a tragedy - but appreciate that I'm in a
minority with that!
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