(urth) Is Agia a Robot?

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Fri Jun 18 14:54:29 PDT 2010

On 6/18/2010 3:05 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:
> Yep. Hethor presents the reader with a clear mystery which Severian does
> not solve, but he does present us with lots of information about other,
> seemingly unrelated people and events. The trick is to match the clues
> to the mystery.
> Hethor's motives are pretty important to Shadow and Agia figures in
> those motives. She uses Hethor to attack Severian. She's not just a
> shopkeeper's brother.
> I recall a passage of UotNS in which an unnamed small female person
> attacks Severian on the Ship, and I could never figure out who that was.
> Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

Gunnie and Idas attack him, but they're not small.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
IEEE Student Chapter Blog at
< http://ieeetamut.org >

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