(urth) heartburn was: Re: travelling north

Jane Delawney jane_delawney at sky.com
Fri Jun 11 16:15:02 PDT 2010

On 06/06/10 06:01, Roy C. Lackey wrote:
> Jane Delawney wrote:
> [snip]
(further snippage)
>> One is left with supposition. Are we to gather that if so allowed,
>> Ossipago would have transported the party 'back' in time (using
>> Severian's perspective) to another tomb, and another Resurrection?
> [snip]
> I think not. There is a much simpler explanation. When Sev fled Ushas and
> went backwards in time, he went only as as far as he *could* go. That is, he
> went back in time only to just before the creation of the White Fountain.
> More properly, to the point just before the first light from the Fountain
> reached Urth (p-353). He was unable to use the Corridors to escape the tomb
> until the first light of it reached him (p-358). In other words, Sev's
> personal travels in time were bound by the light of the New Sun.
Ok and many thanks Roy, that's certainly a plausible reading, probably a 
great deal more plausible than my initial assumption!

However I'd be very interested indeed if, given this (I seen now) well 
supported viewpoint ie. that Sev's time travels are restricted by the 
New Sun itself, you or anyone else has any view on what exactly Ossipago 
is talking about! Evidently he intended (until forbidden by his former 
charge, now 'boss' I guess) to take the whole party *somewhere* else in 
time, which 'would not be a better place' for Severian in particular.

Wolfe doesn't include this kind of stuff by accident. Where/when was 
Ossipago proposing to lead them? Is there any evidence? I'm sure I must 
have overlooked something.

Would be most grateful if anyone has any information on this.

kind regards


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