(urth) traveling north

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 20:00:14 PDT 2010

  >> I had always thought that Robert and Marie was a reference
 >>to some other work that I just wasn't getting.

 > I  thought that too, and I think many people have.
 >Has anyone ever identified it?
 >Someone said Robert Borski had, but I'd like to see it.

I don't know if this is who Borski fingered, but I had presumed that 
they were the Scottish missionaries Robert and Mary Moffat. Robert's 
vision was to plant a "Garden for God" in Africa. The problem is that 
the Moffats served in the late 18th-early 19th century, and of course 
Sev sees a plane just before encountering the hut. Of course he could 
have been moving back in time.


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