(urth) Appearances of Inire

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 13:25:50 PDT 2010

> Monkey arms, a thing for young girls and interest in the arts makes 
> Fechin another candidate. 

"We've a Fechin here that shows three girls dressing another one with 
flowers that's so real you expect the bees to come out of it."
~ Shadow of the Torturer

Nicolai Ivanovich Fechin was an actual early 20th century painter. He's 
classified as an Impressionist. But the color and detail of many of his 
paintings are nearly photorealistic, and the eye-popping color often 
gives the sense of three-dimensional depth.

> Especially since Rudesind's boyhood painting might be a self-portrait 
> (there are paint brushes in the picture). This adds red hair to the 
> mix and opens up all sorts of worm cans. (e.g. I think I know why Agia 
> has auburn hair).

I have a theory that red-hair in the Sun Cycle is an intentional 
association with Typhon in some way. Red-hair is signifier of being a 
werewolf, and the red-haired sacrificial victims in the Osiris cult were 
called "Typhonians".

~ J. u+16b9

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