(urth) Is Agia a Robot?

Jerry Friedman jerry_friedman at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 19 16:16:38 PDT 2010

From: Gerry Quinn <gerryq at indigo.ie>

>From: "Jerry Friedman" <jerry_friedman at yahoo.com>
>> From: David Stockhoff <dstockhoff at verizon.net>
>>> I'd read this more as Wolfe musing, "How will I call robots without sounding like ad copy for a Japanese toy?
>>> Hm, well the inventor of robots called them chemical in nature. This runs against the cliche. Thus, applying
>>> Brunians' radical principle, I shall call them "chems." "
>> ....
>> That sounds reasonable to me.  Also, maybe their power source is electrochemical, namely batteries.  Was
>> there ever anything in the Long Sun books about where they get their power, needing to recharge, etc.?
>They are nuclear powered, although not necessarily all of the same type. Mint caused a trooper's fusion power >source to blow when she struck him with an azoth.  And Crane was concerned about [radioactive] isotope >contamination after he treated Lemur similarly - he said it was good that he and Silk had been washed by their >swim in Lake Limna.

Thanks.  So much for that.

Applying Brunians's radical principle, I see "chemical" comes from a Greek word for "transmutation".  Referring isotopes in a tiny reactor?

Jerry Friedman


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