(urth) Is Agia a Robot?

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Fri Jun 18 12:41:56 PDT 2010

Okay, I think we're on the same page. If we agree, than there IS a woman on the loose in BotNS, who is a robot.

Otherwise, I don't think Wolfe would have given us SO MUCH description of this missing paracoita.


HETHOR: "How soft her hands were, her little hands."

SEVERIAN: "The slender figure and delicate features that seemed incongruent in [Agilus] were compelling in her."


HETHOR: "... that flesh that always felt sun-warmed."

SEVERIAN: "... as I watched her, the sun touched a rent just below her waist, turning the skin there to palest gold."


Hethor also vows to crush any who may have his poppet ("Let h-h-hooks be buried in the hands that took her!"), and then proceeds to (under urgings from Agia herself) sick his monsters on Severian.

Just sayin'.


On Jun 18, 2010, at 3:17 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:

> I was just saying the behavior and appearance of the poppet are completely different from the behavior and appearance of Agia. I think all this can be accounted for without violating anything we know about Urth. Stretching it, maybe, when I propose a ruthless "facedancer" ship's robot in a woman's skin.

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