(urth) Wall of Nessus

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Thu Jun 17 00:01:02 PDT 2010

On 6/17/2010 1:06 AM, Ryan Dunn wrote:
> I think we should assume Gene Wolfe has considered this, as the Wall is quite a present part of the text, no?
> Or perhaps I'm reading you wrong. Could be a bit of n00b-itis on my part.

The notional translator of the BotNS signs his notes at the end of 
Volume I as "G.W." G.W. is a fictional Gene Wolfe, very similar to but 
much less informed than the author. This allows the author additional 
license to feint and mislead with errors from an unreviewed and in fact 
unreviewable translation to compound those of an unreliable narrator.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
IEEE Student Chapter Blog at
< http://ieeetamut.org >

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