(urth) Megatherians

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 14 08:32:48 PDT 2010

>Although the Ascians come from the North and Erebus is based in 
>Antarctica, they are actually the minions of Erebus.
>Their name means "casting no shadow". They cast no shadow NOT because 
>they are from the Equator (which they are not, or at least not 
>entirely), but because they are from Erebus, whose name comes from the 
>Greek elemental Titan who was "The Darkness of the Underworld".
My intent was to suggest the Wall of Nessus was needed to defend from 
enemies on all sides. I take the story of tall pale warriors riding in a 
ship with a deep voice coming from below the river as a sign of collaboration
between Erebus and Abaia. As he gets the most mention I guess I tend to think
of Abaia as the big boss of the 17 megatherians and was shorthanding with 
regard to his leadership of the Ascians.
I don't associate the term "Ascians" specifically with Erebus, despite his 
mythological namesake. It is actually a real archaic term given by Europeans
to people living near the equator and  we learn it is falsely given to the 
enemies of The Commonwealth who are really from the equivalent of N. America. 
My impression is that the Ascians are somewhat equally enslaved by a collaboration
of the megatherians, hence their loyalty to the Group of Seventeen. (surely allegory;
even a Byzantine government is seen as superior to the mind-numbing sameness of communism).
Mount Erebus in Antarctica does suggest a home space for Erebus. Most feel Abaia
lives in the ocean, but since the mythological Abaia was specifically a fresh-water
magic eel, I must think his primary residence is Lake Diuturna. Juturna's name and
apperances and the island people's belief in Oannes would seem to support this idea.
I think Wolfe making his monster names a combination of Melanesian (Abaia), 
Greek (Erebus), S. American (Jurupari), Norse (kraken) Persian (Jahi), Borgean 
(peryton) and Judeo-Christian fallen angel (Arioch) is highly significant. 		 	   		  
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