(urth) heartburn was: Re: travelling north

Roy C. Lackey rclackey at stic.net
Sun Jun 13 14:48:52 PDT 2010

Jeff Wilson quoted and wrote:
> > Obviously it would be bad for the newly-created eidolon, because he
> > cease to exist. That eidolon walked the Corridors to get back to Ushas,
> > where he eventually penned his second manuscript, the account we are
> > of how he came to be in that tomb.
> Why couldn't the eidolon stay at the stone town and the strangled meat
> go back to the future?

The strangled meat didn't know what the eidolon knew; all that had just been
learned from BF&O in the tomb. The eidolon had to get away from him or die.


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