(urth) Urth & Earth (was "Travelling")

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 4 14:15:04 PDT 2010

>I wonder if the iterative Worlds and the parallel Worlds can be identified.
>I think maybe yes.
>They can be next to each other in more than one dimension.
I tend to agree with Brunians on this. If the process of creation
and destruction and creation of sequential universes can be imagined 
as taking an ascending spiral shape then the "distance" between one 
universal coil and an adjacent one is small could put Urth and Earth 
or other corresponding entitities in very close proximity, for those
who know how to bridge the gap.
In regard to Silk's religion I find the celibacy and confession aspects 
of the augur's job somewhat less interesting than the slaughtering and 
sacrifice of animals in the interest of finding divine prophesy in the 
entrails. In that activity I find, once again, evidence that Wolfe is 
describing how the ills of Earth's ancient pagan societies will persist 
in the absence of a Jesus figure and be somewhat mitigated as the closest 
proximity to Jesus is found on a given planet or society.
If Silk is a clone of Typhon, and The Outsider is included, do we not have
an inferior but still potent version of the Holy Trinity in place? 		 	   		  
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