(urth) Juturna, the Missing Sister

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Tue Jul 27 13:58:31 PDT 2010

>> I *do* think hair color is a family signature, although I don't know
>> exactly how it all fits together.
> Generally darker hair dominates over lighter,  though hair can appear as
> lighter colors at longer lengths and with increasing exposure to the
> elements. Red hair counts as a form of blonde in this way. In general,
> color also dominates darker over lighter. Skin's a mix.

That's "eye color" in the middle.  Continents' influence aide, Mendelian
genetics has blue eyed parents breeding true, and blonde haired parents as
well. Dark haired parents can have kids of light or dark hair, but if two
lighter haired people have a dark haired kid, there's probably a dark
haired man getting away with something.

None of this is cut and dried, but fun to speculate. For those who cut
Biology class:


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