(urth) Where did Abaia go?

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Mon Jul 19 12:02:12 PDT 2010

> But for those who don't see Judeo-Christianity in this story, I will offer a more
> textual explanation. Perhaps Abaia doesn't really live in the ocean. Abaia is the
> name for a magical *freshwater* eel in Melanesian mythology. So perhaps
> a flood could kill off Abaia simply via contact with salt water.

Without followers, why would the Megatherians stay? Typhon surely would 
not have remained when the entire human population was reduced 
to....what a few dozen? I'm not sure why it would be the case, but one 
inference from Typhon's conversation with Severian is that he was unable 
to leave Urth at the end.

""It was a period of great confusion as well. My astronomers had told me 
this sun's activity would decay slowly. Far too slowly, in fact, for the 
to be noticeable in a human lifetime. They were wrong. The heat of the world
declined by nearly two parts in a thousand over a few years, then 
Crops failed, and there were famines and riots. *I should have left then*."

Is there any evidence that the Megatherians could at last leave after 
the New Sun came?


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