(urth) lots of stuff

Mr Thalassocrat thalassocrat08 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 07:04:14 PDT 2010

2010/7/12 António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com

> Are there any other cases in the Sun books of
> - a proper name that isn't a real historical proper name
> - a proper name that is a pun/mangled version of a real historical proper
> name?
> - a title that is a pun/mangled version of a real historical proper name?
> These are commonplace in fantastic literature, but I'm unsure when it's
> Wolfe we're talking about. I do have the idea that there's Wolfean
> precedent, but I can't recall where.

Or a proper name that is the infinitive form a verb?

I don't see the Fenrir thing, but I also don't see the Latin "inire". The
name is a real puzzle.
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