(urth) Tzadkiel/Melek Taus

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Fri Jul 9 13:18:10 PDT 2010

From: "António Pedro Marques" <entonio at gmail.com>
> Gerry Quinn wrote (09-07-2010 19:46):

>> Sure, but that is not the point I am getting at. The question I'm asking
>> relates to the Urthly representatives of good. Surely there should be
>> someone - apart from a few witch doctors maybe - standing up for the
>> prevention of the White Fountain, if that's what the Increate wants?
> I'm not sure that's what you're getting at, but I've asked some days ago, 
> if Tzadkiel is evil, where are the *good* people opposing the new sun, 
> since the ones that seem to oppose it don't compare favourably with the 
> ones serving it. That to me is the chief problem with the Tzadkiel-is-evil 
> idea.

I must have missed that, but yes, that is what I am getting at.  It seems 
like a structural necessity in the text.

- Gerry Quinn

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