(urth) gnomic utterances

Robert Thornton oblate777 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 19:44:13 PDT 2010

I un-lurk to agree with David Stockhoff.

Josh, if you could talk more about Wolfe and maybe expound further upon your thoughts, I would personally appreciate it. 

I think who we are as list members should take second place to what we think about Wolfe and the many aspects of his works. and we keep on running right into non-Wolfe-related issues of personal belief. You are playing a key role in encouraging non-Wolfean discourse of almost any sort. 

Please, I don't want to unsubscribe due to this silliness. Also, Josh, I will not respond to any personal attacks, defenses of your approach to posting, or anything else except Wolfe-related matters. I have not delved deep into Wolfe and I enjoy when others do. That's what this list is about right?


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