(urth) Mormons inside a black hole

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Mon Jul 26 15:58:17 PDT 2010

On 7/26/2010 5:25 PM, James Wynn wrote:
>>>> The Mormons have knowledge.
>>> I'm sorry, but I have to deny this. I was brought up Mormon, leaving
>>> in my adolescence, and I can assure the rest of us here that they
>>> have no 'knowledge' in the sense intended. Their entire history is an
>>> amalgamation of lies passed down in the security of ignorance among
>>> the early membership. That the church continues to exist and spread
>>> this nonsense is a measure of human fatuity.
> Well, for all I know, there are Mormons on the list who have very
> insightful knowledge about Wolfe's writings. So, if I had anything
> personally bad to say about their beliefs, I'll keep it quiet. All of
> those I've met (which is hardly expansive) were fine effing Americans,
> and a couple were Wolfe fans, and 99% of the time that's good enough for
> me.

I wonder if Steven Bowen would care to comment on the individual 
character of Mormons still with the LDS Church, and how this might 
reflect on the themes of of false religions cultivating genuine virtues 
in Wolfe. For instance, the obviously self-promoting missionary traditon 
of the LDS also encourages young people in the church to not just become 
educated about other parts of the world but also to become familiar with 
them first hand and perform charitable acts there along with the rest of 
the mission. How much of this is borne out in practice?

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
IEEE Student Chapter Blog at
< http://ieeetamut.org >

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