(urth) Wolfe's Puzzles

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Fri Jul 9 23:09:52 PDT 2010

> The best I could come up with is that it might be a cool solution if the
> 9 groups of 4 numbers could be be manipulated into letters to spell out
> GENE WOLFE (since he often puts wolf[e]s into his stories. But I couldn't
> find a way to do that. Perhaps someone else can or come up with some other
> good solution.

Ouen is the Scottish form of Eugene. I just did a search and found out 
someone pointed this out 12 years ago.

> (I reject the explanation of derivation from "Pan"and "pastoral" as a false,
> too easily given clue. How is Typhon like a frolicking pipe-playing goat god?)

Pan is the only god to die within historical time (see Plutarch's 
Lives), like Pas.


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