(urth) The mystery of the image of an astronaut cleaned byRudesind

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 05:09:39 PDT 2010

Ryan Dunn wrote (08-07-2010 06:44):

> Is it possible Rudesind was intentionally steering Severian away from the
> Reading Room? Is the Book of Gold in there? What would happen if Severian
> found it? Any other motive to avoid the direction the armiger laid
> forth?
> "The old curator blew those directions to the winds with a puff of sour
> breath. "What he laid down would only get you to the Reading Room. From
> there it'd take you a watch to get to Ultan, if ever you did."
> We're going on Rudesind's word that the armiger's directions were indeed
> faulty, no? We are also to trust Rudesind at HIS word, though Severian
> doesn't know him from the next man.

Go on. This may lead to something. What may it connect to?

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