(urth) The mystery of the image of an astronautcleaned by Rudesind

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Sat Jul 3 09:08:00 PDT 2010

From: "António Pedro Marques" <entonio at gmail.com>

> But it's far above enough that I think it can be described as being rising 
> over his shoulder 
> (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3012885/Var/AS17-134-20387HR-crop.png). The photo 
> is taken sideways anyway. Why mention the shoulder rather than the head? I 
> think saying it was rising over his head would be strange, as it would 
> give no hint of directionality, either 3D or 2D wise. It doesn't say which 
> shoulder, but that's a matter of leaving off irrelevant information 
> (irrelevant for them, who were looking at the picture).

That makes sense... good literary technique, making a more concrete image 
for the reader.

- Gerry Quinn 

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