(urth) Capricon

Nigel Price nigelaprice at talktalk.net
Tue Feb 9 08:29:20 PST 2010

Is anyone on the list going to Capricon later this week?

I've just looked at all the panels and events in which Gene Wolfe is due to
take part. The list is as follows:

.	Destiny vs. Free Will
.	Hidden Religion in SF/F
.	Write SF, but I'm a Techno-Idiot
.	Is SF/Fantasy a Dying Genre or Just Evolving?
.	Reading: Gene Wolfe
.	Religion and Science: At Odds?
.	The Way the Future Was (with Boskone)

I'd love to hear what he has to say on all those topics! If anyone is going,
is there any chance of their making an audio recording of any of these


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