(urth) Father Inire theory cont (Jonas)

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 13 14:41:16 PST 2010

Gerry Quinn wrote:

> But is Jonas the representative of Near Future Urth?  He is a robot built to
> serve on a starship; he may well have been carried aboard in a box along
> with Hethor's paracoita. (Here's a thought - did Talos use bits of the
> paracoita to make Jolenta? Jonas's love explained at last!)

> Jonas might well never have seen Urth before his spaceship crashed there.

Jonas speaks of his childhood on Urth. He says that 'Kim Lee Soong'
was a common name in his youth 'in lands now lost beneath the waves'.
And his exclamation 'I know where we are - on Urth', hard though it is
to understand, seems to make most sense if he has seen it before.

It's worth remembering that the drop ceiling was installed after the
antechamber first came into use. The idea, I think (though it isn't
made very clear) is that the original antechamber was just one fairly
small room, and as more and more people were confined there, it became
combined with neighbouring rooms; the drop ceiling was then installed
to cover the joins. So even if Jonas' first experience of a drop
ceiling was on a ship, the one he's seeing now is not the same one.

One other thing - we do know something about the ship Jonas was on.
After reading a book 'I asked the ship and she gave me another'. So it
seems the ship was run by a computer with a personality. That doesn't
seem to fit Tzadkiel's ship, as far as I can remember. (And we know,
of course, that computers were important during the first empire.)

(I agree that Jonas has met Hethor before, and I think it likely that
Hethor was on Tzadkiel's ship during at least part of his life, but
they may just have met in ports from time to time, or something.)

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