(urth) Orchid

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Sun Dec 12 09:59:22 PST 2010

> But my actual question is this. Kypris tells Orchid that now the
> person she loved (Orpine) is dead, she must find someone else to love.
> Does anything ever come of this? I can't recall it doing so, but it
> sounds as if it's meant to prefigure something.

No takers on this one? Actually, I misstated it slightly; Kypris
doesn't 'someone', she says 'something', which may make a difference.
I'll look out for any possible payoff as I go through the series.

Meanwhile, though, another Orchid-related question. Silk says 'All the
gods know that I pitied her [at Orpine's funeral]' and Kypris/Chenille
replies 'All the gods don't know. One does. Two.' The one is clearly
Kypris herself, but who is the other?

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