(urth) Losing Imitation

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 30 10:16:41 PST 2010

The manuscript page was  In Greens Jungles p 339.  I looked on that page in the book and suddenly I realized maybe he was pointing my attention to that page in the published book instead of what he sent me.  That guy is tricky!.    I can't find this actual page in the book right now so I'm just going to type half of it here and maybe you can find it.
"they're moving again.  This is it." 
"They're not galloping," I protested.
"Trotting."  They won't gallop until they're up close.  Did you think they would?"
"I nodded.  "It would be better if they did."
"that's why they don't." He nudged me to make sure I understood taht he was joking. "you've never seen a charge?"
"I have, but they are much closer."
"they will be."
"I started for Kupus' unevein line of men and boys with slug guns, but Inclito caught my elbow.  "the women and sprats are scare already, remember?  The men are, too, and I mean you and me.  So walk."
the page ends with
"Something - some stir, perhaps, among the women and elderly -

So let's look at both pages, pg 339 and this one, in In Green's Jungles.

--- On Thu, 12/30/10, James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com> wrote:

From: James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: (urth) Losing Imitation
To: "The Urth Mailing List" <urth at lists.urth.net>
Date: Thursday, December 30, 2010, 8:32 AM

> Marc Aramini-
> He sent me a letter written on a manuscript page from IGJ, but I still didn't see anything there. 

What page was it?

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