(urth) Fish and Caves

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 23 09:18:02 PST 2010

>Antonio Pedro Marques: my beloved and I got an extractor hood for our kitchen that is, 
>plainly speaking, a black upright parallelepipede, nothing more, nothing less. However, 
>we don't seem to be able to eplxian that to anyone. When people who haven't yet seen it 
>ask how it is, she says it's... a black upright parallelepipede.
Heh, Antonio I'm afraid I was among the confused people after reading your post. Two completely
unfamiliar terms.  A bit of Googling informed me that a parallelepipede is what I'd call a rhombus 
cube or something. And an extractor hood is (as I did guess) what I'd call a stove exhaust fan. 
Perhaps there are cultural differences at work? 		 	   		  

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