(urth) Fish and Caves

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Wed Dec 22 09:35:05 PST 2010

> António Pedro Marques-
> So exactly how many people said it was an astral traveling Oreb before 
> Short Sun got published?

Err...no one? Because astral traveling had not yet been introduced into 
the story? How many found the astral Oreb odd? Everyone. Didn't you?
>> How about an alternate theory?
> António Pedro Marques-
> Have [alternate theory for Rajan and Oreb's presence in the 
> grandmother's tale] ever been presented that do not involve dream travel?
> ('Hey, I think Captain X stole the jewels.' 'I'm not so sure.' 'D'ya 
> have any other suspect? Than let's arrest him!')

Do you have one?

>> So, you're answer is "We can't explain everything in the books, so the
>> obvious problems with time-line are not really indicative of temporal
>> disjuncture." Once again. I don't know what sort of confirmation would
>> put you over the edge.
> Someone getting more evidence that Silk's vision was the Rajan and 
> Oreb would go that way.

Ummm...but we DO have evidence of the astral traveling Oreb and Rajan in 
Silk's room and in the grandmother's tale. So, hurray, right? We have 

The rest of your response is argumentative. So lets stick with these 
since we seem to be bearing fruit.


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