(urth) Urth Digest, Vol 76, Issue 173

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 21 11:46:48 PST 2010

Both time travel and cloning are invoked in BotNS but time travel is explored in far
more detail and in connection to Severian. So I'd lean toward time travel for explanations
but I think maybe we aren't really supposed to know. What is more important is whether he
was there, not how he got there.
>James Wynn: The Rajan calls Hoof, Hide, and Sinew his sons. He warns Hide that Jahlee 
>(in soul travel and bearing the soul of Chenille) could be his "sister or aunt". Resurrected 
>Horn accepts an inhumu bearing Sinew's soul as his son.
In your theory, Horn also becomes enjoined with a Neighbor named Greenbuck? In conjoining all
these ungulate animal parts and humans, inhumi and Neighbors into his family, what exactly is 
the Narrator creating? 
>Parke in Festivals of the Athenians describes a women-only midwinter festival, the Lenaia, 
>which honored Dionysos. On this night, Graves calls it the Lenaea, the Festival of Wild Women. 
>He says a bull, representing Dionysus, was cut into nine pieces, with one piece being burned 
>and the rest consumed raw by the worshippers. Dionysus was born in winter, crowned with serpents, 
>became a lion in the spring and was sacrificed as a bull (stag or goat) in the summer...
Perhaps..The Outsider? 		 	   		  

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