(urth) Dionysus, the mausoleum

Marc Aramini marcaramini at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 20 11:53:14 PST 2010

And this is why I wasn't getting much out of the list for a few years, to be honest.
A big mystery in the text: Sev hangs out all the time in a mausoleum where he sees his face clearly .  In another book he takes Scylla to a mausoleum that winds up to be the one of some of Typhon's family that could possibly explain why Sev's face was there and how he is related to everybody in the whorl ................ but instead, nope, just two different mausoleums.  Not happy with that answer.   :(  Not at all.

--- On Mon, 12/20/10, James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com> wrote:

From: James Wynn <crushtv at gmail.com>

1) It was pretty well proven to me that the mausoleum the Rajan and Cilinia visit was not Severian's (which strikes me as odd). Wolfe might have made errors describing the tomb, but it would be cheating to assume that.

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