(urth) Dionysus and the Outsider

Craig Brewer cnbrewer at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 16 08:04:30 PST 2010

>>Antonio Pedro Marques- That DOES fall in line with Craig's trinity idea, doesn't 

>Like David, I'm not feeling fully keyed in to in depth discussions on the 
>Trinity. But, SilkHorn,
>continuing his lesson to HOund, does remark on a confusing scenario in which The 
>Outsider and
>Pas are related as Father-Son-Father in some manner.

I don't think you have to get too deep into the theology to make Antonio's/my 
point. If the Outsider is God/Father/HolySpirit/whichever aspect of the "real" 
god (in fact, it fits better that you can't identify The Outsider as Father or 
Holy Spirit with any determinacy -- it's just the REAL god)...AND if the SON of 
Thyone is only important because it's a god that's a SON, then saying they're 
the same God is just suggesting that Silk has intuited something about how, in 
the "real" Christian world, there are different ways of talking about God that 
are actually the same God.

Silk doesn't have to have any inkling of actual trinitarian theology to get that 
general point. And perhaps his worry about having said too much is just his own 
admission of humility in the face of matters about which he doesn't have any 
real clear understanding. He often seems to have intuitions (and leftover ideas 
from his revelation) about the Truth, but it isn't anything he's worked out in 
any sort of systematic way.


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