(urth) Faterh Inire Theory

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Sun Dec 12 17:32:31 PST 2010

From: "Lee Berman" <severiansola at hotmail.com>
>>Gerry Quinn- If God exists, and the physical universe exists, it must be 
>>that they are
>>logically compatible.  If they are not logically compatible, at least one 
>>of them does not exist
> Gerry you have painted youself into an atheist corner here. God is 
> defined, in deepest essence, as
> supernatural. Not of this physical universe. You might as well admit the 
> point blank obvious by your
> rationale:

You dare to define God?  I am not so brash!

But seriously, it doesn't matter whether he is of the physical universe or 
not, so long as he is logically compatible with it.

> God doesn't exist. The alternative is that you don't exist and [cogito 
> ergo sum] you know you do.

You are asserting that God is incompatible with the physical universe.  As I 
said. that question concerns me, but I have not come to a conclusion with 
regard to it.  For that matter, I do not think that 'Cogito ergo sum' 
represents all that there is to be said about its purported subject.

This all seems beside the point anyway.

> So many SF stories have painted the pagan gods as real physical entities. 
> This is a way of acknowledging
> their false god status. I think it was Star Trek movie VI  in which the 
> Judeo-Christian God, Jahweh, was
> discovered to be a planet-sized psychic entity which fed on human faith 
> and belief. Again, proving the
> falsity of this god.

There are mailing lists devoted to Star Trek.  This one, however, is 
concerned with the works of Gene Wolfe  I find the latter considerably more 

- Gerry Quinn

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