(urth) Faterh Inire Theory

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 12 13:49:59 PST 2010

>Gerry Quinn- If God exists, and the physical universe exists, it must be that they are 
>logically compatible.  If they are not logically compatible, at least one of them does not exist
Gerry you have painted youself into an atheist corner here. God is defined, in deepest essence, as
supernatural. Not of this physical universe. You might as well admit the point blank obvious by your
God doesn't exist. The alternative is that you don't exist and [cogito ergo sum] you know you do.
So many SF stories have painted the pagan gods as real physical entities. This is a way of acknowledging
their false god status. I think it was Star Trek movie VI  in which the Judeo-Christian God, Jahweh, was 
discovered to be a planet-sized psychic entity which fed on human faith and belief. Again, proving the 
falsity of this god.
>I don't think materialism is the issue here, but rationality! 
It doesn't matter. You could call it science or math or logic.  They are all basically same thing: tools
the human brain uses to understand the world it perceives. Are these the only tools available?
Gerry I asked before if you believe in God. Now I will ask if you believe in evolution (as the process
which created human beings, I mean). 		 	   		  

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