(urth) Father Inire theory cont.

Andrew Mason andrew.mason53 at googlemail.com
Fri Dec 10 13:38:18 PST 2010

Lee Berman wrote:
> I don't mean to ignore those levels but they have been explored. I am tracking the Father Inire as
> Fallen Angel/Devil/Goat/Monkey god Dionysus/Demiurge level because it has been almost universally ignored
> and I think it provides a framework for much new insight.

Aha! This makes things a lot clearer to me,because it illuminates
something I hadn't grasped earlier; you see Dionysus as a negative
figure. (I take it this is so, if you put him in this list. 'Devil'
etc, clearly are; 'demiurge' may or may not be, but in the gnostic
tradition, which I think you're alluding to, he is.)

I am not convinced.  Consider this; you see the inhumi as related to
Dionysus because, among other things, their acquiring human spirits by
drinking blood is analogous to the devotees of Dionysus acquiring his
spirit by drinking wine. I agree; there is such an analogy. But
Dionysus is not the first god to come to my mind in this context.
There is another god, undoubtedly referenced in _Long Sun_ and _Short
Sun_, who imparts his spirit to his followers when they drink wine
which is also his blood. So I think the Dionysus references are part
of the Dionysus/Christ analogy, which others have used as well.

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