(urth) Inire: Ancient Alien

Son of Witz Sonofwitz at butcherbaker.org
Mon Dec 6 10:00:16 PST 2010

All of this discussiion about Inire seems to have clicked him into place for me at least.
One myth I think about A LOT, in general, and in connection with BotNS, is the "Ancient Aliens shaped humanity" idea.  Inire is, very literally, an "ancient alien" who has been shaping mankind.  
In Zacharia Sitchin's interpretation, humans were modified from the hominid stock of earth to be more like the Annunaki. (sp?).  If nothing else, Inire's description as ancient bent monkeylike cacogen seems to connect with this idea of modified hominid stock.

I think that works well enough for me. I don't need to understand all the hidden machinations, but I do like to label the character archetype.  It's pretty funny actually. Amidst all this recombination of classic myths we have a very contemporary one thrown in. Inire is the Ancient Alien.

We could go further and tie this to the Cummean and her lizardly ways. There is also the branch of Ancient Alien speculation that deals with all that David Icke Reptoids bullshit (which is hilariously entertaining if nothing else.) with it's human and reptilian hybrids.

Speaking of hilariously entertaining, does anyone else watch History Channel's Ancient Aliens series? I lurve that show.  The recent one on all the new (2000's) discoveries of underwater megalithic structures over 10,000 years old all over the world was damn interesting.  Such an entertainingly sensationalistic tabloid presentation of these ideas.


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