(urth) Dionysus

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Sat Dec 4 11:57:12 PST 2010

>> James Wynn-
>> The Neighbors could not just heal Horn because the spirit had left.
> Jane Delawyney-
> Some evidence in support of this POV [snip] Secondly, after 
> Nessus-Rigoglio dies, the party returns to Blue - and we are told that 
> when Rigoglio awoke on Blue, he was a 'spiritless thing', his 
> spirit-self having died on the Red Sun Whorl. 'Spiritless' is afair 
> specifically distinguished from 'soulless'. No more details are given, 
> but the  reader is left in no doubt that in all respects that matter 
> as far as human life is concerned, Rigoglio is actually dead, even 
> though his physical body was not harmed in any way during the expedition.
> In the light of this I think it possible that when Horn is dying on 
> Green, the Neighbour can't prevent it, because his spirit has already 
> separated itself from the body.[snip]

Significantly, there are puppet references associated with Horn. Shortly 
after leaving home, he is attacked by a leatherskin, a creature with 
three jaws. It is Pinocchio's "dog fish" ("Monstro" the whale in the 
Disney movie) that has three jaws. Earlier he relates a story from 
Horn's  childhood about a puppet he had.


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