(urth) planetary problems

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 08:26:22 PST 2010

On 12/28/2010 10:06 AM,  wrote:
>  wrote (28-12-2010 15:17):
>>> Thomas Bitterman-
>>> The idea that astral travel uses mental maps rather than physical
>>> ones is a good one, at least as good as the "Silk = Blue" or "Blue is
>>> a time-traveling version of Green" theories that are going around.
>> James Wynn-
>> Do you really think this is a possibility?
> António Pedro Marques-
> Besides the fact that it is *the* probable way a travel powered by the 
> mind would work?

I can't even imagine the mechanics of this. It sounds more like 
mysticism than fantasy or SF. Either that is like one of those cartoons 
from the 1930s where the characters walk in and out of books. Are you 
saying that the Rajan psychically emplants himself in the memories of 
other people or are you saying he's a meta-fictional character than can 
travel through Wolfe's own novels?


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