(urth) Severian's Family. What the text shows...

Jeff Wilson jwilson at io.com
Wed Dec 22 09:07:10 PST 2010

On 12/22/2010 9:48 AM, Ryan Dunn wrote:
> "'Once, sieur,' he said. 'Yes, sieur. Catherine was her name. It's an
> old-fashioned name, they tell me.' He paused and shrugged. 'There was
> trouble, as you say, sieur. She'd run off from some order of monials.
> The law got her, and I never saw her again.'"
> So, presuming Ouen is Severian's father, and presuming he slept with
> this woman named Catherine (who found herself in trouble before running
> off with "some order of monials" (Pelerines?) and ending up "gotten" by
> the law).

My reading is monials --> run off --> slept with Ouen --> arrested, 
presumably for something done *before* she ran, but not positively.

Jeff Wilson - jwilson at io.com
Computational Intelligence Laboratory - Texas A&M Texarkana
< http://www.tamut.edu/CIL >

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