(urth) Dionysus, the Mausoleum

Gerry Quinn gerryq at indigo.ie
Tue Dec 21 08:15:17 PST 2010

From: "Lee Berman" <severiansola at hotmail.com>
>>Gwern Branwen: So what am I supposed to do with this large comprehensive
>>not-obviously-wrong theory? It's almost certainly wrong since only a
>>few can be right and we have proposed hundreds of interpretations of
>>parts. Basically, the answer is ignore it......So, silence it is.

If it's not obviously wrong, why not look at it more closely?  Maybe it will 
convince you, or maybe you will find something wrong with it.

> Gwern, I both agree and disagree. In the history of this List there have
> been hundreds of theories proposed. I don't agree that only a few can be
> right.
> What I think we have is like the parable of the elephant and the six
> blind men describing it by parts (it's like a "hose", "spear", "fan", 
> "wall"
> "tree trunk","rope"). Nobody has been able to singularly comprehend Gene 
> Wolfe, so the
> only comprehensive answer must come from an assemblage of different 
> theories which
> seem incompatible on the surface.

If we are to take the parable seriously, there *is* a good description "an 
elephant" which reconciles these varying partial explanations.

Of course a literary work, unlike a physical object, need not necessarily 
have such an explanation; it might be purposely or accidentally 
contradictory.  But if such a contradictory work is interesting enough to 
repay study, it should still be possible to delineate which interpretations 
are more or less valid.  (As it is with the optical illusions to which you 
frequently refer.)

- Gerry Quinn

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