(urth) Dionysus, the Mausoleum

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 05:42:45 PST 2010

>> Jane Delawney- Don't know if it's helpful or not but it appears to me at
>> least that toward the end of RTTW Cilinia / Scylla (a thirteen or fourteen
>> year old girl, who has suffered the huge misfortune of being born
>> male-chauvinist-pig Typhon's eldest child) finally lays herself to rest in
>> a small casket ... in a mausoleum that Severian has already, several
>> volumes beforehand, determined is destined to be his own.

A careful comparison between the mausoleum Severian describes in Shadow 
of the Torturer and the mausoleum described in RttW, shows that the 
number of caskets and such do not appear to match up. I agree that the 
scene is all wrong. There's no discussion of a search and discovery. Sev 
just takes them to a mausoleum. What other tomb could it be really?

I agree that it seems to me that his and Cilinia's tomb should be the 
same. Possibly are. Maybe Wolfe just goofed or had something else in 
mind regarding a description of the tomb. I think Severian is a clone of 
Frog and the hero in the Tale of the Student and His Son. That's why he 
saw his face in the tomb.

But the description of the tomb makes that very hard to prove.


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