(urth) The Outsider

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 17 06:02:48 PST 2010

>Andrew Mason- He (if he exists) is not wholly unknown - the scourging of the animal sellers 
>appears to be a reference to him, and so, I take it, is the Theoanthropos of _New
In my view, Severian is the Theoanthropos, given his mixed parentage, that which makes him the
perfect Conciliator between humanity and the sky gods.
Severian tells us early on that he practices his mystery throughout his travels but will not 
describe each instance to avoid giving his story any perverse appeal to sadists. There may be
several copies of him travelling through time and Typhon's Urthly empire.
Wolfe has admitted that he considers Severian an aspect of the Outsider. I consider it possible
that the legends of a scourger possessed by the Outsider point more to Severian, than our earthly 

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