(urth) Dionysus and the Outsider

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 06:43:07 PST 2010

Lee Berman wrote (16-12-2010 14:39):
>> Jerry Friedman-  Sorry, I didn't read a lot of the posts about
>> Dionysus, so I may be duplicating something someone else said.  But
>> people are saying that the Outsider was the son of Thyone, that is,
>> Dionysus.  I read the passage quite differently.  Silk says there are
>> two gods whose names are unknown: the son of Thyone and the Outsider.
>> So they're two different gods.  They're mentioned together and have
>> anonymity in common, though, so some might draw conclusions from that.
> I think you are missing something important. The above about the God of
> Wine and Thyone takes place in a theological lesson SilkHorn is giving to
> Hound. Later, after Hound has had time to mull things over, he asks Silk
> if it wouldn't make sense for the two unnamed gods to be the same entity.
> SilkHorn highly praises Hound's insightfulness and remarks that he may
> have already told Hound too much.

That DOES fall in line with Craig's trinity idea, doesn't it?

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