(urth) Faterh Inire Theory cont.

Adam Thornton adam at io.com
Sun Dec 12 20:49:14 PST 2010

On 12/12/2010 07:11 PM, Gerry Quinn wrote:
> Anyway, I don't want to get into a war over such details.  I am 
> defending the theory, but as I said I am not wedded to it.  And our 
> interpretations of BotNS do not stand or fall on the question of 
> whether the Antechamber was or was not part of Jonas's starship.  But 
> I ask again: has anyone any better explanation for Jonas's (confirmed) 
> architectural observations and the other things I mentioned? 

Well, Jonas was from a time not that far in advance of ours, one in 
which recognizably Korean names were still familiar.

And the room was pretty clearly a large palatial room converted to 
boring drop-ceiling partitioned office space.  One suspects that this 
has been the fate of many monarchical buildings converted to 
bureaucratic workplaces as the Type Of Government clanked along its 
chain, in our time.  I think it is likely that Jonas, as the 
representative of Near Future [Ea|U]rth is more familiar with Cubeville 
than is Severian.

The room's just a waiting room in bland government offices, complete 
with cookies and coffee urn.  It's just that the wait times have become 
generational; indeed, eternal.


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