(urth) Father Inire Theory cont.

Lee Berman severiansola at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 11 05:56:19 PST 2010

>David Stockhoff- My 2 cents ...

Thanks for the interest in my theory and the responses to it. They are appreciated and
helpful. I'm sure the admonitions are meant as a reminder to me and other readers
here to not get too lost in one's over-thought personal vision.
As I've tried to express previously, this is not a concern for me. I spent 20 
years reading BotNS on the surface level and I haven't lost that perspective.
A 5 pronged candlestick can be just a light source. Ultan can be seen as a venerated 
servant of the Autarch. Severian could really be a 20 year old virgin.
I always knew BotNS had a Secret House built within it, like the House Absolute. I just 
couldn't see it very clearly. It was the participants on this Board and their contributions
which allowed me to see the Old Crone with high definition and detail, within the picture of 
the Young Lady, and I'll be eternally grateful for that. I wouldn't expect my view of the Old 
Crone to be exactly like anyone else's. But if my description of her can help anyone else, as I 
have been helped, then it has all been worth it. 		 	   		  

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