(urth) Ouen and Dorcas and ??

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Mon Dec 6 17:38:19 PST 2010

On Dec 6, 2010, at 8:33 PM, David Stockhoff wrote:

> Sorry---I wasn't clear. I'm just saying that's how it's done in translated editions of a work in another language. Wolfe would stick closely to the form he is aping (parodying? at least having fun with).
> Same with Latro's scroll. If you see a translation of Egyptian or Tibetan or something that clearly doesn't follow Western traditions---even Greek or old Norse or what have you---you will see chapter headings and other breaks that were entirely introduced by the translator, functioning as an editor, who is taking control and ownership (almost) of the work. They are constructions imposed upon the text for the convenience of the modern reader.

In the Latro series, it is told to us that the titles of each break represent the first words of that specific entry, and each chapter is a different journal entry. Right?

If nothing else, it means that G.W. gives those sorts of things some thought.

The only reason it is important in my view, relating to BotNS is because, as some have said, they can be evidence of an enlightened Severian who learned his own mysteries after they happened to him. It also means he intentionally used chapters to give us hints to certain things. No more evident than in the use of "Dorcas" for the chapter where she only appears at the very end, and not even then (that hand that grabs him from beneath is not hers, right?).

In any case, maybe I should inquire it of G.W. directly, seems like not TOO out of bounds to ask.


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