(urth) Who's Right?

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Sat Dec 4 05:46:20 PST 2010

On Dec 4, 2010, at 3:54 AM, Lee Berman wrote:

>> Andrew Mason: I agree that there's more to Agia than mees the eye. There are a
>> couple of definite indicators of this: her use of the symbol of the
>> Jurupari (if that's what it was);  Agilus' ribbons.
> Agilus' ribbons might be connected to the Jungle Sorcerers' masks. Agia uses a 
> claw weapon much like (perhaps identical) to those of the jungle guys to cut
> Severian's face. 
> (Actually I also find much hidden significance to Agia's other weapons-
> the misericorde, the athame and the crooked dagger. I can elaborate if anyone is 
> interested.)
> The Jurupari is a jungle demon. Also a fish known as the earth eater. And there is a
> thematic connection between the fish and the demon reminscent of Abaia and undines.
> And as mentioned before I am intrigued by how Agia herds Severian around Nessus and the 
> Commonwealth and her association with a weird little guy from outer space who is clever
> with mirrors (Inire-Hethor ambiguity intended). 	

Simpler still, we meet Agilus with a mask on. It looks real enough, and skeletal. He takes it off and reveals his "real face". He is laying there near dead, and Severian sees more ribbons.

Isn't this more likely to connect to the Hiero's and their masks under masks? Two alien poppets for the price of one?


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