(urth) Who's right?

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Fri Dec 3 15:21:14 PST 2010

On Dec 3, 2010, at 5:03 PM, Andrew Mason wrote:

> Ryan Dunn wrote:
>> I'm saying that at least four characters being described as monkeys is noteworthy in the text.
> It cerainly looks as if it means something. Can you tell me who these
> characters are and where they are described as monkeys, so i can check
> it out?


"The old man cocked his head. 'Why, what help was they to begin? Do you know?'

"When I admitted I did not, he scrambled down from the ladder like an aged monkey, seeming all arms and legs and wrinkled neck; his hands were as long as my feet, the crooked fingers laced with blue veins. 'I'm Rudesind the curator.'"


"More fantastic still were the tales of his vizier, the famous Father Inire, who looked like a monkey and was the oldest man in the world."


"'He was the worst of us all, that Fechin. A tall, wild boy with red hair on his hands, on his arms. Like a monkey's arms, so that if you saw them reaching around the corner to take something, you'd think, except for the size, that it was a monkey taking it.'	"

"I looked at him, and he spread those long, thin, monkey arms..."

(not described as a monkey, but crooked in stature and holding a staff with a monkey head.)

"The old man had a staff as crooked as himself, topped with the dried head of a monkey."

(not a person, but there's the monkey again, spying on Severian)

"An ape with the head of a dog ran down the aisle, paused at my bed to look at me, then ran on."

(deduced by Severian as a monkey, but definitely spying on Severian.)

"Birds unknown to me called overhead, and once a monkey who might, save for his four hands, have been a wizened, red-bearded man in fur, spied on me from a fork as high as a spire."


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