(urth) Standard Wolfean Riddle

Ryan Dunn ryan at liftingfaces.com
Mon Aug 16 07:03:22 PDT 2010

Jesus in the Briah with Urth makes Severian something of a false figure.

He is Christlike and yet nearly the opposite in Wolfe's embodiment of him.

He saves the world from dying by purging it of countless thousands of people in a massive flood.

I know there is the spaceship yard turned Citadel, the image if a Moon man, and many other references to Earth, but this is Urth aka "similar but different".

I see Severian as similar but different to Christ. And I don't see Christ in Severian's divine year of Briah.


On Aug 16, 2010, at 9:53 AM, António Pedro Marques <entonio at gmail.com> wrote:

> What's dirty about having a Jesus in every world?
> What's clean about having a Jesus in one world and only a thematic echo in the others?

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