(urth) Patera Incus

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Sun Aug 15 07:29:18 PDT 2010

>> James Wynn-
>> 1.1.2 Second Attempt. This time Incus disguises his handwriting.
>> "You know, my friend, yet it might be more thoughtully be said that 
>> you cannot know, how much I have been looking forward to a _plain 
>> firsthand account_ of the marvelous adventures of our mutual 
>> acquaintance Bee. Bee himself.
>> Incus thinks, "No, it would not do. Fulmar would be utterly thrown 
>> off the scent by _the male pronoun_." [emphasis mine]
>> Question how does the male pronoun throw Fulmar "off the scent"? Off 
>> the scent of what?
> Gerry Quinn-
> Of who "Bee" is, surely?  Wasn't it short for a female's name, 
> somebody other than Incus, who had reprogrammed the valet chem? 

That doesn't really work.

1) The valet was a male chem.
"Nor would the trouble and loss of time go entirely unrecompensed; he, 
Incus, would at least have the satisfaction of inquiring just how long 
it had been since the unfortunate valet had received _his_ wages, and 
observing the chem's baffled incomprehension."
Lake of the Long Sun, Chapter X, On the Belly of the Whorl

2) Remember that this is the *second* attempt at a letter. I don't think 
there's any way the first could be interpreted as relating to the valet 
or the experiment.


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