(urth) Standard Wolfean riddle

James Wynn crushtv at gmail.com
Thu Aug 12 14:10:07 PDT 2010

 >>The concepts of before and after are meaningless across universes.
 >>Timeis a property of each universe, like space. Any other universe
 >>isn't in Briah's future any more than it is behind or west or south 
of it.
 >>This much is axiomatic physics, not something someone like Wolfe
 >>would not understand or leave aside.

 >---Exactly. Apheta said Severian's friends were yet unborn. Why?

I'm also perplexed by this statement but I am certain that it *doesn't* 
mean that Yesod is the mantavara immediately *after* Briah.

Could it be that Tzadkiel was already traveling in Briah at a Time in 
the distant Briahtic past so that the light of the far-away newborn 
White Fountain would reach Urth at its appointed time in the relative 


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