(urth) Grand Unified Theory

António Pedro Marques entonio at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 09:29:33 PDT 2010

Ryan Dunn wrote (25-08-2010 17:16):

> 1. Typhon from BotNS is a name borrowed from Typhon of Greek myth, king
> of all monsters?


> 2. Most modern readers will instinctively pronounce his name: *TAY-fun*

In 'proper' transcription ['tajf at n], with english words 'TIE fun'.

> 3. The proper pronunciation, however, is: *TOO-fahn*

In greek, something like [tu'fO:n], 'too FAWN'
- the : is to indicate length
- the [u] for y would vary according to dialect, and would be like the 
french u or german ü in a certain classical pronunciation
- the stress in greek wasn't like in english, rather spoken in a higher pitch
- the ph was really an aspirated p, though it soon evolved into f

'Typhoon' is a different case.

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